Feels Like Love

A while ago I was talking with a friend and we were sharing how easy it is to get caught up in the day to day stuff. To feel stressed out, over scheduled, tired–you know, life. And, how when we’re feeling like this we start to overlook the little things are important in our relationships with others and ourselves.

My friend told me she and her husband had started writing little notes about what love feels like to them on a daily basis.  For example, one day her husband folded the laundry when normally that is something she would do. That day, his act felt like love so she wrote a note on their mirror in the bathroom.

Since then I’ve been trying to pay attention to the same little gestures and letting my family and friends know when those things make me feel loved. If my husband picks up a coffee for me on his way home from work without asking first, that feels like love.


Not only is it important to notice what others do for you that allows you to feel loved, but what you do for others in the same way.

  • Snuggling with your dogs allows them to feel love
  • Signing up for a fan club to get great concert tickets for a friend feels like love
  • Making lunch for my kids feels like love

Giving love and receiving love. Feeling seen and knowing we each matter.

Can you think of small gestures that feel like love to you, that you give and receive?

Another friend recently shared that she’s posting a pic of the day showing what love looks like to her, to help her center and focus on what’s important in life. Since reading this I’ve been thinking about sharing one act that feels like love, each day. The more we start to look for love the more we see love is all around.

I’m inviting you to join me.  Do it at home if you’d like or if you use #feelslikelove.

Life Coach Tip of the Week — Feels like love


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