Getting Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

In October I did something I never in my life thought I would do. I became a consultant with Rodan + Fields. Network marketing. What!!??

Along with this decision came some fears, doubts and insecurities…
Am I really trading the last 4 years of becoming a life coach to sell skin care?
What the hell am I doing?
Am I “one of those people” who are just trying to sell something?
Will my friends start to hide from me?

However, as I’ve been engaging in this pretty wonderful opportunity I realize I’m not trading anything.I’m implementing everything I know–every bit of my experiences are coming into play. Like my friend Pam Slim says, it’s all about the body of work.

Why am I doing this? Because it’s fun!! It’s giving me an opportunity to get out of my basement, off the computer, to actually talk to people in person and on the phone, and to make an income that we’ve needed as I was struggling to find my place in the world with my coaching business. It’s also helped me gain clarity and confidence in what I am doing as a coach and to fully see the clear picture of what I am already putting out there.

Am I “one of those people”? No, I’m me, and it’s just one more way I’m putting myself out there into the world.

I’m passionate about sharing everything I love. What you see is what you get with me. I’ve always done that. I share TV shows, pictures of my kids, my dogs and cat, my husband. I share quotes that resonate and touch me that day or that hour and offerings, as well as tips for the week. I do this because I want to see these same things from people that are important to me. I now share Rodan + Fields business opportunities along with before and after pictures because having skin issues that are being resolved makes a difference in lives. For me, no longer going to bed with coconut oil slathered on my face, trying to get it to stop hurting is wonderful. And being able to make some extra $$ while washing your face and talking about it is pretty dang awesome.

Are my friends hiding from me? No. They are supporting and loving and sharing. Even my husband goes to work and talks skincare with the guys.

In the honor of being bold I’m asking you to consider new opportunities, tokeep the door open, not to shut it because of what others might think or how you may be judged, be open to what feels fun, exciting, a little uncomfortable and yet is calling you.

You never know what’s on the other side unless you step in and give it a shot.I would also love for you to like my business page, to check out Rodan + Fields, to give it, me and yourself a chance because growing this and a team of amazing people is what is driving me today and every day.


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