Asking for What You Want

Asking for what we want is something many of us struggle with, but may not even be aware of.  A friend recently brought this to my attention when I was complaining ivebeenwaypod-150x150about an email exchange where a person asked directly for what they wanted and expressed extreme disappointment when it wasn’t provided. This ticked me off because I felt the person was acting entitled.

My friend pointed out that the person was just asking for what she wanted and showing emotion when it didn’t happen.  No entitlement. Hmmm….I’ve always thought being direct about what you want is rude, demanding or entitled. Now I’m realizing it depends on how it’s presented and the mannerism used. What do you think?

The Life Coach Tip of the Week segment I have with Joe on Hits 105.5 is something I asked directly for. I emailed Joe, asked to share a weekly tip and explained my why behind it.  When people talk to me about how lucky I am to have this gig (that I love) and how it happened they’re shocked when I tell them I just asked. I did the same for Harmony Farm where I now provide in-person sessions.  Neither direct ask was rude, demanding or entitled– they were from the heart with a clear understanding of the why behind them.

While thinking about the tip this morning I realized that when things feel impossible or distant it’s fun and challenging to just throw it out and ask. But, when there’s emotion and it’s personal, the majority of people beat around the bush and then get disappointed more often than none because someone didn’t read their mind. I think we hold back in fear of the “no” and sometimes even the “yes”. We have all kinds of thoughts tied to what a “no” or a “yes’ will mean to us when we finally hear it so we stay in limbo–worrying or wondering without actually taking the steps towards knowing.

Today and this week I want to encourage you to pay attention to what you want and whether you ask directly for it. If not, why? What’s the worst that can happen?

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