There’s Not Enough Time

“There’s not enough time” is the theme of many conversations lately. I catch myself saying it often and hearing it from my friends and clients. I’ve had a book but not ivebeenwaypod-150x150made the time to read it, even though I gifted it to friends–There’s Not Enough Time…and other lies we tell ourselves by my friend Jill Farmer.

In the book there are two parts of a To-Do list makeover tool Jill writes about and I wanted to highlight part 1 today—getting rid of 2-minute tasks.

Many people have a big to-do list that includes lots of little tasks that keep getting put off, stay on their mind and often keep them from getting the bigger things done. These tasks distract and annoy because they’re always hanging out there and the list keeps growing, becoming overwhelming

What Jill talks about is creating a 2-Minute Task List.  If anything on your to-do list can be done in a couple of minutes it can be added to this list. But, only take five of these 2-minute tasks and add them to your daily 2-Minute Task list. Doing this keeps you moving through your list daily so it’s not so overwhelming you stall out or stay away from the larger tasks that need your attention as well.

Examples of a few 2-minute tasks:

1.     Schedule your hair appointment
2.     Pick up the movies lying around and put them back in the rack
3.     Pay a bill that is due
4.     Reply to an invitation
5.     Send a Thank You

Once you’ve created your list set a time for 10 minutes. This is really important—be sure no more than 10 minutes. Then spend those 10 minutes or less doing only the tasks on your 2-minute task list. Setting the time limit makes it doable each day and keeps you on track with that tasks at hand.

Make it a game, have fun—turn up your favorite music, get energized and devote only 10 minutes. Getting these little things done allow your mind to settle and makes room and time to focus on the larger tasks, as well as lets your to-do list shrink, which I’m all for.

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